Camper Couch Potato Lab

Ep 16: Looking For Gold

Ep 16: Looking For Gold

Did you know the golden ratio is commonly used by artists and architects? The Mona Lisa and Eiffel Tower both were created to contain the golden ratio. Do you think we can find the golden ratio by measuring our bodies? Our activity will find out!

Ep 17: Movement Mania!

Ep 17: Movement Mania!

Have you ever wondered what your arm looks like when you take off all the flesh? Me too. In Movement Mania!, we will show you without the need for an x-ray!

Ep 18: Obscene Goldberg Machines

Ep 18: Obscene Goldberg Machines

Our EYES team will encourage you to think like Rube Goldberg in this episode and provide you with many tips and tricks on how to best execute the building of these machines.

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