Episode 31 – Rockin Good Time


First, you will need to download the Rockin Good Time lab manual.

Astronauts are pretty cool people with even cooler jobs. They explore space! The stars, moons, and planets in our galaxy and beyond. They are required to face a variety of conditions that are different than conditions we encounter on Earth. For example, we know we will need winter coats in cold months. These coats keep us safe, as we have discussed in our episode Baby, It’s Cold Outside. How to these astronauts stay safe? Especially when they are unsure of the conditions they will encounter?

This episode will explore technology used by astronauts and space scientists to better determine conditions in space, allowing the astronauts to be adequately prepared and safe.

What do you think you would need to go to space? Try creating a list! What would you bring to keep you safe?

Saskatchewan Curriculum Connection: RM 4.1: Investigate physical properties of rocks and minerals, including those found in the local environment.

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