Episode 17 – Movement Mania!


First, you will need to download the Movement Mania! lab manual.


Have you ever wondered what your arm looks like when you take off all the flesh? Me too. In Movement Mania!, we will show you without the need for an x-ray!

Muscles and bones make up two very important body systems: the muscular system and the skeletal system respectively. Without these systems, we would be a big glob of goop! Muscles and bones provide us with structure and the ability to move. These systems work together quite often. We will explore just how these systems work together by creating a model of our arm.

The Guinness Book of World Records has a record for the ‘Most Push Ups Done in 24 Hours’. Charles Servizio from the United States of America completed 46,001 push ups over the course of 24 hours in 1993! That is quite the muscular system. If you are looking for a record to beat, perhaps consider giving this one a try.

Saskatchewan Curriculum Connection: HB5.2: Investigate the structure, function, and major organs of one or more human body systems such as the digestive, excretory, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems.

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