Episode 46 – Whodunit?

 First, you will need to download the Whodunit? lab manual.

Yesterday, I had made some delicious chocolate chip cookies. I placed them in a container when they cooled, and when I came back from running a few errands, the cookies were all gone! If only there was some way I could determine who ate my freshly baked cookies….

Forensic science is a branch of science that solves crimes with evidence using biology, chemistry, and physics! In the example I gave above, I could have investigated the area to see if any footprints, hairs, or finger prints were on the scene of the crime, aka my kitchen.

This activity will use fingerprinting and microscopy to solve a crime!

Saskatchewan Curriculum Connections: FM5.2: Investigate characteristics of simple machines, including levers, wheels and axles, pulleys, inclined planes, screws, and wedges, for moving and lifting loads.

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