The Couch Potato Lab

The Couch Potato Lab (CPL) are online episodes that cover curriculum-based content in fun and creative ways through experiments, demonstrations and activities!

Latest Couch Potato Episodes

Ep 29: Learning To Fly

Ep 29: Learning To Fly

In this episode will learn about thrust, drag, weight, and lift. We will examine how we can best design an airplane to ensure it stays in the air.

Ep 30: Soil Searchers

Ep 30: Soil Searchers

This episode will teach you a bit more about how soil and dirt differ, as well as examining what type of soil is best for retaining water and growing vegetation.

Ep 31: A Rockin Good Time

Ep 31: A Rockin Good Time

We can differentiate between types of rocks based on their physical properties. Explore the different types of rocks and their properties with us in this episode as we create edible rock models.

Ep 32: Space Safety

Ep 32: Space Safety

This episode will explore the technology used by astronauts and space scientists to better determine conditions in space, allowing the astronauts to be adequately prepared and safe.

Ep 33: Lose Your Cool

Ep 33: Lose Your Cool

This episode will explore radiation and the process of heat transfer. Heat is transferred from the bright gleaming ball in the sky, or the sun, into our atmosphere!

Ep 34: Use That Noggin’

Ep 34: Use That Noggin’

What does our brain look like? And how does it have control of our entire body?
This episode will introduce you to neuroscience and further describe how psychology plays a role in our everyday lives.

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Actua provides training, resources and support to its national network of members located at universities and colleges across Canada in the delivery of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education outreach programming. Each year, these members engage over 225,000 youth in 500 communities nationwide. Please visit Actua at