The Couch Potato Lab

The Couch Potato Lab (CPL) are online episodes that cover curriculum-based content in fun and creative ways through experiments, demonstrations and activities!

Latest Couch Potato Episodes

Taxonomic Logic

Taxonomic Logic

In this activity, students will use coding logic in combination with biological concepts to classify organisms and the things around them.

Conditional Cards

Conditional Cards

Students will explore and learn how to use conditionals and logic to create their own card game! When describing coding and the logic behind it, many people will say that it is a set of rules and commands. With this in mind, it makes sense to have students create the rules using the coding language to create their own personalized games.

Solid or Liquid? That is the question.

Solid or Liquid? That is the question.

Cloud dough and Oobleck, are non-Newtonian fluids that do not follow Newton’s Law of Viscosity. What does that mean, you may ask? Join us on this Friday Fun Day to learn all about solids and liquids!

Shocking Static Electricity Tricks

Shocking Static Electricity Tricks

Are you ready to bend water, separate salt and pepper, fly butterflies, and spin paper! The let’s get ready to try out these cool science static electricity tricks!

Fly Me A Kite

Fly Me A Kite

Let’s learn all the ups and downs of flying kites! Kites rely on forces of lift and thrust to fly in the air, similar to airplanes. Are you ready to go fly a kite?

Catch The Wind

Catch The Wind

Are you curious about how fast the wind is? We will “catch” and measure the speed of the wind, with our own hand made cup anemometers! Let’s start!

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Actua provides training, resources and support to its national network of members located at universities and colleges across Canada in the delivery of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education outreach programming. Each year, these members engage over 225,000 youth in 500 communities nationwide. Please visit Actua at