Coding the Future II: Actua

Coding the Future II: Actua

Actua conducted a national survey of young Canadians and their parents to understand their views about coding and digital literacy, their confidence in their coding and digital skills, and whether they feel they have opportunities to develop these skills in and...
Coding the Future: Actua

Coding the Future: Actua

Young people in Canada are enthusiastic users of new technologies—including texting, video-streaming, video games and using social media on smartphones, tablets and computers. But while we know that Canadian youth are enthusiastic users of digital technologies, we...
About Innovation and Design

About Innovation and Design

What is Innovation? Innovation is difficult to define precisely but for most people it involves “thinking outside the box” and “trying something different” in order to make things better.  We might be enhancing a process, a tool, a system or an environment but the...
A Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking

A Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking

Have you found yourself asking, “what is design?” Sometimes the best way to understand design is to just dive in and experience it! We’ve pulled together this collection to help you get started on your design journey. Scroll down to see our NEW introductory online...